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This page provides offline packages for various versions of MongoDB.


Version Architecture File Size Package Checksum File Updated Date
v0.10.0 ARM 64 346.82 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.10.0_arm64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.10.0_arm64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-06-05
v0.10.0 AMD 64 369.81 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.10.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.10.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-06-05
v0.9.0 ARM 64 346.75 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.9.0_arm64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.9.0_arm64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-05-08
v0.9.0 AMD 64 369.76 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.9.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.9.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-05-08
v0.8.0 ARM 64 366.09 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.8.0_arm64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.8.0_arm64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-04-03
v0.8.0 AMD 64 389.09 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.8.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.8.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-04-03
v0.7.0 AMD 64 369.66 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.7.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.7.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-02-01
v0.6.0 AMD 64 369.54 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.6.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.6.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2024-01-04
v0.5.0 AMD 64 144.09 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.5.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.5.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2023-12-10
v0.4.0 AMD 64 73.37 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.4.0_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.4.0_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2023-11-02
v0.3.1 AMD 64 72.96 MB ⬇ mongodb_0.3.1_amd64.tar ⬇ mongodb_0.3.1_amd64_checksum.sha512sum 2023-10-20


To validate the integrity of the downloaded offline package and checksum file, run the following command in the directory:

echo "$(cat mongodb_0.3.1_amd64_checksum.sha512sum)" | sha512sum -c

If the validation is successful, the printed result will be similar to:

mongodb_0.3.1_amd64.tar: OK


If this is your first time installing, please apply for a free trial or contact us for authorization: email or call 400 002 6898. If you have any questions regarding license keys, please contact the DaoCloud delivery team.
