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The virtual machine consists of two parts: apiserver and agent. When you encounter an issue, you can refer to this page to perform troubleshooting.

Page API Errors

If there is an API error with a page request, such as a 500 error or a cluster resource not found, the first step is to check the logs of the virtual machine-related services in the Global cluster for any keywords related to kpanda. If there are any, it is necessary to confirm whether the kpanda-related services are running properly.

VM Cannot Be Used Properly

If a created VM cannot be used properly, there can be various reasons. Here are some troubleshooting directions:

VM Creation Failure

When a VM creation fails, you should check the detailed information of the VM in the target cluster:

kubectl -n your-namespace describe vm your-vm

If the detailed information involves storage, such as PVC, PV, SC, etc., check the status of the SC. If the problem is not resolved, consult with the developers.

If the detailed information involves devices, such as KVM, GPU, etc., verify whether the target cluster nodes have completed the dependency check. If all dependencies are installed, consult with the developers.

VM Creation Success but Cannot Be Used

If a VM is successfully created but cannot be used, check the VNC page of the VM in the DCE interface. If it only shows the startup information, check the dependencies. If all dependencies are installed, consult with the developers.

If the VNC page displays an error, use the following command to view detailed information about the VM:

kubectl -n your-namespace describe vm your-vm

If the detailed information involves storage, such as PVC, PV, SC, etc., check the status of the SC. If the problem is not resolved, consult with the developers.

VNC Can Start but Network is Unreachable

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and document the relevant information. Provide feedback to developers. Execute the following steps in the cluster where the VM is located:

  1. Obtain the Pod IP of the VM

    kubectl -n your-namespace get vmi your-vm -o wide
  2. Perform SSH login to your VM on the node

    ssh your-vm-username@xx.xx.xx.xx

    If access is not possible, please consult the developers.

  3. Check the network mode used by the VM

    If it is the default network mode (masquerade), consult the developers.

    If it is bridge + ovs, confirm the following information.

    • Ensure Spiderpool is installed successfully and is installed in the kube-system namespace.
    • Ensure ovs is installed successfully and the ovs bridge is configured correctly.

    If all the above information is confirmed to be correct, please consult the developers.
